FC 24 4-2-2-2 Custom Tactics Guide

The 4-2-2-2 formation in EA FC 24 is strong and flexible and could be used to control the game and bring lethal attacks. This a very specialized and at the same time very balanced formation that will enable you to dominate the midfield and have a great attacking force. If you want the cheapest FUT coins Xbox, check U7BUY.

Defensive Tactics

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 40
  • Depth: 60

On the defensive side, it is suggested that the ‘balanced’ defensive style should be adopted. This will make your team come to the shape which is also the defensive shape when you don’t have the ball and apply pressure on the ball thus forcing it deep in the middle of the pitch which is an area you dominate.

The Width is set to 40; this ensures the team is close together at the back to not too thin. The Depth is set to 60, which is quite reasonable; it is not very shallow but not too deep.

In other words, this balanced defensive tactic shall enable you to regain the ball effectively without overexposing your defense during a counterattack.

Offensive Tactics

  • Build-Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 50
  • Players in Box: 5
  • Corners/Free Kicks: 3/2

On the offense, in Build Up Play, we take the Balanced approach. This will make your team seek to gain possession of the ball and move it into the opponent’s archival zone carefully. For Chance Creation, Direct Passing is also suggested to be used. This will make your players make more vertical, penetrating runs into the last third of the pitch.

The Width is set to 50 which I believe should give enough room for your wingers and fullbacks to give width when required and not expose the team too much in the center of the field. The number of Players in the Box is adjusted to 5 since it would be appropriate to have enough attackers in the box to finish off. Lastly, the Corners are set to 3 they are good for this formation and so with Free Kicks which are set to 2.

Player Instructions

  • Goalkeeper: Default
  • Fullbacks: Move back and hit Shower while attacking.
  • CDMs:
  • Left CDM: While attacking, one should retreat and keep the middle ground defended.
  • Right CDM: Balanced Attack, Cover center
  • CAMs: No instructions
  • Strikers: Stay Central

With the Goalkeeper, we stick with the defaults since we don’t need to make any alterations here. For the Fullbacks, we have them on Stay Back While Attacking. This will ensure that they occupy the opponents deep in their half and do not push forward to create space for the opponent to create counterattacks.

Now in the CDM roles the left CDM will be Stay Back While Attacking and Cover Center and the right CDM Balanced Attack and Cover Center. This also serves to let one CDM be more aggressive-minded as the other can cover for him on the defensive side of the field when the time comes that the team is on the attack.

Besides, there are no instructions applied to the CAMs. Besides, we really want them to have free-flowing movement in the field and be able to produce opportunities as per their desire.

Thus, the Strikers of both teams are also ordered to Stay Central. This will ensure that they maintain dangerous central areas in order to attack set pieces and make forward bursts.

Gameplay Tips

The formation known as 4-2-2-2 is about dominating the middle of the park and how one conducts a swift changeover into the attacking line. Feed the ball to your two CDMs and look for areas to retrieve the ball back to your CAMs and Strikers by going behind the opposition’s midfield players.

Build-up play should be taken slowly in order to leave the opposition defendants disoriented but the ball should be shifted quickly when the opportunity arises. Your fullbacks can offer the width in case this is required but their main task is to offer a defensive shield.

When defending, pack tightly and be compact. Your CDMs should be eager to mark the back four and isolate them from passing opportunities. Sweep up any loose balls or heavy touches in your team’s half to take the ball up to areas of the field with space.


In conclusion, the 4-2-2-2 formation is a perfect all-round formation suitable for different tactics. If the correct custom tactics and player instructions are used it has the potential to be a powerhouse in EA FC 24. Again a sweet reminder at the end, If you want the cheapest FUT coins Xbox, check U7BUY.

Post Author: fifaplayerclub